Still - Life ..... with Fish Heads
I know, not really a pretty picture .... taken in Vancouver's Chinatowns, BUT
... a photo for the Semptember theme of STILLIFE - suggested by Ken Piros in the General Forum in .com. Check it out - and have fun.
Leeb Monika 11/09/2011 20:01
Schaut richtig nach Kunst aus, blutrünstig, aber künstlerisch ;-)LG monika
Majid mehraban 10/09/2011 7:11
OMG! it is like a fiction movieNice composition
TeresaM 09/09/2011 13:39
Tu fais dans le fantastique sanguinolent ;-DUne vision "percutante", Adele !!
Berthold Klammer 09/09/2011 11:40
Doesn't depend on if its a PRETTY picture - it's very well composed and gives a lot to think about... regards Bertholdgroc 09/09/2011 11:35
Strong shot, dear Adele!Love it.
A hug.
aline64 09/09/2011 7:46
une prise très colorée de ces poissons en eau glacée, bien vu !amicalement
gemblue 09/09/2011 2:20
all eyes are on you!!! :-))) very good shot of this Still Life motive. Cheers, GiSegura Carmona 08/09/2011 20:34
Una toma soberbia ,,, con gran luz, color y encuadre, Un abrazo Adela.Vera M. Shulga 08/09/2011 19:18
Heads from fish for Chinatown...Fish for sale in market..
Claudio Micheli 08/09/2011 18:24
...very good shot!..indeed!Ciao
Dragomir Vukovic 08/09/2011 18:06
strong !Frederick Mann 08/09/2011 17:56
excellent image
Sally Dunn 08/09/2011 17:54
Good to look at it in a different way! The melted ice looks like pools of blood! The fish heads don't look too happy about it! ;)))Hugs
phonya 08/09/2011 16:04
all the faces of the fish-heads presented here do express irritation and some kind of sadness - probably the heads are missing the bodies phonya
Angelika El. 08/09/2011 12:02
Bei uns firmieren Fischköpfe unter "Karkassen" zum Bereiten eines Fischfonds! Vielleicht ist das in Chinatown ja anders. Für Fischköpfe sehen sie noch ganz ansprechend aus!!!! Sehr lobenswert ist auf jeden Fall die Lagerung auf "Eis.."