Storm over the Namib Desert
A sense of foreboding as the storm approaches over the desolate desert landscape. This was the first major storm to approach Swakopmund, Namibia, in early 2017. The rain did not reach the small coastal town but much needed rain did fall here about 60kms east of Swakopmund near a small mining town called Arandis. I used a wide angle lens to capture the drama of the sky and for a few moments the dry desert earth was lit from behind me as the sun started to set. It tells the story of the heat and the dry land in bold ochre colours, in contrast to the dark grey, blue and purple colours of the clouds threatening above.
Tschisi vom Bodensee 24/07/2017 7:19
Ich mag solche Unwetterbilder!BG Tschisi
Michael P.-Becker 02/04/2017 18:05
Wirklich berrauschendes Bild, wie ein Sog ! HG MichaelJacky Kobelt 02/04/2017 17:13
captivating mood with this dramatic skyErika Avery 30/03/2017 22:00
Just fantastic and very dramatic! Just back from Namibia....loved it. Never ending beauty.Kind regards,
Klaus-Peter Beck 30/03/2017 21:43
Eine geniale Aufnahme .. ganz große KLASSE!Gruß
JOKIST 30/03/2017 20:59
Ein Wahnsinnshimmel !Ingrid und Hans
Astrid Buschmann 30/03/2017 11:13
Das ist absolut grandios, und dieses Szenario ist bestimmt fast unbeschreiblich schön und eindrucksvoll. Allein schon deine Aufnahme beeindruckt mich sehr.LG Astrid
Annette He 29/03/2017 23:53
Oh wow, that´s awesome.Regards,