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Street Soldier Foto & Immagine di Leroy Skalstad ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Senem G 07/12/2005 0:27
excellent portrait..Dennis Maloney 07/12/2005 0:23
Such a great portrait capture...the title is right on...very pro...denIni Ikpe 07/12/2005 0:03
Great captureNorman Cook 06/12/2005 15:36
marvellous portraitAlexander K.arle 06/12/2005 14:52
..Sergio Pessolano 06/12/2005 14:38
Excellent impact. Very good framing and general texture.PINDORIUS 06/12/2005 9:18
strong face ... good b/w work.Anastasiya Ivanova 06/12/2005 3:16
Wonderful! The white line above seems does not be handled well.Frank Cecconi 06/12/2005 2:58
Nice portrait, Leroy. The B&W works well ... ;-) Cheers