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Sweet family of swans on Lake Garda

Sweet family of swans on Lake Garda

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Sweet family of swans on Lake Garda



Commenti 4

  • Angelika El. 15/12/2011 21:32

    Herrlich, diese Schwanenfamilie! Die Altvögel scheinen Dich aber ganz genau zu beobachten! Feine Aufnahme!


  • s. sabine krause 14/12/2011 16:43

    mommy and daddy are keeping a watchful eye, so that their fluffy young ones can enjoy a carefree glide through the refreshing crystal-clear waters of lake garda! : )))) so cute how one of them is already an expert in "one-legged" paddling, while his second leg is stretched out comfortably behind him, catching some sun! the alster swans do it all summer, too! greetings, sabine.
  • Miromodo 14/12/2011 11:08

    Idyllisch und bezaubernd. Schöne Farbkontraste. VG
  • Mark Billiau. 14/12/2011 10:56

    Pretty nice family portrait of those Mute Swans !
