Tettigonia viridissima Foto % Immagini| critique - straight and tough, subjects Foto su fotocommunity
Tettigonia viridissima Foto & Immagine di adrian.v ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
That big green grasshopper is doing a lively Tarantella. Didn't even know they could dance. You've created a whimsical, enchanting image of what my mind feels is joy amongst the insect world.
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adrian.v 29/11/2009 17:10
Thank you to all of you!Robyn Raggio 28/11/2009 23:49
That big green grasshopper is doing a lively Tarantella. Didn't even know they could dance. You've created a whimsical, enchanting image of what my mind feels is joy amongst the insect world.Love this!
Anca Silvia B. 28/11/2009 21:06
exzellent..lg ancaSergio Orellana 27/11/2009 23:42
Good Macro !!So
Sanne - HH 27/11/2009 22:26
eine sehr schöne Aufnahme - Kompliment ! :) Sannedocskh 27/11/2009 21:37
Tolle Aufnahme.VG docskh
P50MM 27/11/2009 21:28
Klasse !So macht Makro Spaß