Thank You
to all who have expressed so much concern and have sent me their cards and their wishes for well being - it is heartwarming to have so many good friends .... and I am happy to say that I am so much better now !!!
an arragement left by somebody before me and which I accidentally found under a small maple tree in VanDusen Gardens - a few days before I got sick.
chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 04/11/2013 15:40
I am happy that you are in good health now. Very beautiful this photo ! GreetingsHYZARA 26/10/2013 13:53
Es gibt ja keine Zufälle - so hat das Herz sicher Bedeutung auch für Dich :-) Für uns und mich ein zauberhaftes Danke ... schön, dass es Dir besser geht liebe Adele. Hab einen sonnigen Tag :-)HYZARA
TeresaM 26/10/2013 13:23
Contente de savoir que tu commences à aller mieux, Adele :-))Un très beau et original remerciement !
Bisous & amitiés,
Lawson McCulloch 26/10/2013 8:45
Hi Adele, I am so glad you are feeling better wishes,
mmhardwick 26/10/2013 0:02
Love the colours- pretty pic!Agapy 25/10/2013 19:46
Das ist ist ein sehr hübscher Fund und ein sehr lieber Gruß an uns. Manchmal weiß man gar nicht, wie schnell die Gelegenheit kommt solche Bilder sinnvoll zu verwenden.LG Roswitha
Andreas Wellnitz 25/10/2013 17:30
Schön,ich wünsche Dir ein tolles Wochenende,lg.Andreas!Brilu 25/10/2013 17:30
Liebe Adele, dein Blätterherz gefällt mir sehr sehr gut, eine tolle Idee bestens umgesetzt. LG BrigitteInez Correia Marques 25/10/2013 13:35
So beautiful Adele and we are very happy you are much better and that you are home and able to post too! You have spotted this at the right time ,there are no coincidences ! lots of love
and peaceful weekend for you and your familly
Claudio Micheli 25/10/2013 13:08
...è molto bella!Ciao
ARTURO MEDINA 25/10/2013 12:22
Magnifica photo y realizaciónUn saludo
Pascal Viyer 25/10/2013 9:32
The hazards of our poor people life : I think of you for your cure, dear Adele.p a s c a l
Mark Billiau. 25/10/2013 9:13
A beautiful, colourful and well spotted arrangement !!Mark
aline64 25/10/2013 8:50
c'est très beau Adèle, j'aime beaucoup ce coeur avec des feuilles rouges, jolie compositionamicalement
s. sabine krause 25/10/2013 8:15
the anonymous lover's leaf heart now reaches around the world via fotocommunity – what a career! ; ) and what a beautiful idea to use those bloodred maple leafs to shape a heart! red and green, those classic complementary colors – always irresistible seen together! so good to hear you are feeling much butter, dear adele! and thank you for this wonderful heart! hugs, sabine.