Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

The Achilleion in Corfu (Sissi's Palace)

The Achilleion is a palace built in Gastouri, Corfu by Empress (German: Kaiserin) of Austria Elisabeth of Bavaria, also known as Sissi). Elisabeth was a woman obsessed with beauty, and very powerful, but tragically vulnerable since the loss of her only son, Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria in the Mayerling Incident in 1889. A year later in 1890, she built a summer palace about ten kilometres to the south of the city of Corfu. The palace was designed with the mythical hero Achilles as its central theme. Corfu was Elizabeth's favourite vacation place and she built the palace because she admired Greece and its language and culture. Achilleion's location provides a panoramic view of Corfu city to the north, and across the whole southern part of the island.

Commenti 31

  • alexander stefanatos 27/04/2015 12:50

    Yes,Adele, a very beautiful palace that housed Sissy's peaceful moments and....of course not only them but also her feverish erotic ones bearing in mind the age difference between her and the good and wise Emperor France Joseph! Of course the tragic history of her son Rudolf is intensely remebered and closely connected with the history of the place. The palace remained in a bad condition for many years until it was repaired and restored as a museum. Now also houses the casino...
    regards alexander
  • chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 26/04/2015 22:32

    Bellissima ! Ciao
  • Alexa frost 26/04/2015 22:17

    What a nice Palace !!! I love it, and I understand Sissi to love this place, a kind of paradise !!
    Thanks to share !!
    hug !
  • Inez Correia Marques 24/04/2015 21:53

    excellent photo adele su+er exposure
  • SINA 24/04/2015 15:36

    Was für ein prachtvolles Haus umgeben von schönsten Pflanzen
    feinst dargestellt und fotografiert
    nice weekend herzlich Sina
  • María de la Rosa 24/04/2015 8:41

    me gusta mucho!!!
    te felicito
  • lolita cecilia 24/04/2015 0:27

    Excelente foto-documento...!!
    Magnífico encuadre y una gran definición...
    Un abrazo Adele
  • Conny11 23/04/2015 22:06

    Was für ein tolles Bauwerk..
    Klasse fotografiert.
    Momentan habe ich leider sehr wenig Zeit und komme nicht so recht zum Anmerkungen schreiben...
    es tut mir leid... ich hoffe, das wird bald wieder anders..
    LG Conny
  • archiek 23/04/2015 15:08

    WOW, this is an impressive looking mansion with lots of balconies where one can to take a look at the world around. Great photo of this amazing place.
  • Bernard.Backpacker 23/04/2015 11:18

    what a beautiful palace, well done!
  • Françoise P 23/04/2015 9:00

    Super beau
  • Markus 4 23/04/2015 8:30


  • Agapy 23/04/2015 7:55

    eine interessante Perspektive zur Präsentation dieses prächtigen Palastes hast Du gewählt. Die Arme hat sicher unter Depressionen gelitten. Leider läßt sich diese Krankheit nicht mit Äußerlichkeiten kurieren.
    LG Roswitha
  • Emilio Sirletti 23/04/2015 6:11

    The camera angle makes it even more beautiful this magnificent building.
    Thanks for the news from us.
    Hugs, Emilio
  • † Ushie Farkas 23/04/2015 2:19



Cartelle Greece, Cyprus
Visto da 1.196


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diaframma 4
Tempo di esposizione 1/1600
Distanza focale 6.0 mm
ISO 100