The bicycle
Sicily, 2011
- analogue photography: Minolta XD-7; Minolta Rokkor MD 50 mm f/1,4; film Kodak; scanning from negative -
The bicycle
Sicily, 2011
- analogue photography: Minolta XD-7; Minolta Rokkor MD 50 mm f/1,4; film Kodak; scanning from negative -
Chaito Bahamonde 08/12/2013 8:36
pobre bicigran documento
mike snead 17/05/2013 12:28
monsieur hulot's holiday?!!great shot,carlo.
Dinu Filipescu 11/05/2013 11:08
Strong image with a a touch of drama .Dinu
chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 10/05/2013 22:10
Bellissimo documento ! Ciao ChantalCsomorLászló 07/05/2013 10:08
Pietro de angelis 06/05/2013 11:35
Geniale!Insisto per il libro raccolta od altro dei tuoi lavori.
Ancora complimenti Carlo!!!
patrizia gasparini 05/05/2013 18:05
mi piace!Lawson McCulloch 04/05/2013 23:13
Hi Carlo, I see this kind of vandalism often in wishes,
alexander stefanatos 04/05/2013 21:57
A Carlo, I,m glad I found another one winding a film spool in a camera! I prefer the Ilford and Fuji positive Velvia and Provia, of course when I can find it...And definetely the bicycle in your shot doesn't mean!regards alexander
yªmpo 04/05/2013 21:08
**!..isabella bertoldo 04/05/2013 18:13
povera bicicletta..piangerei se si trattasse della mia fedele compagna di tanti viaggi un ottimo scatto e un appropriato b/n.complimentiAxilleas Pitsavas 04/05/2013 17:29
Excellent!! Very good composition!!Regards, Axilleas
Vitória Castelo Santos 04/05/2013 15:43
Bella immagineciao Vitoria
MICHAEL stüben 04/05/2013 15:29
More...... than a piece of Art