:::the butterflies are still there:::
we've been to the top, we've been to the bottom
we've known everything and forgotten, yeah
you've kicked me around, you've wrapped me in cotton
you've carried our load, and you've shot 'em
oh yes the butterflies are still there
oh yes the butterflies are still there
we've argued by the baggage claim
we've accepted and we've laid blame
we've drank Sangthip in monsoonal rain
we've felt separate and felt the same
oh yes the butterflies are still there
oh yes the butterflies are still there
oh yes the butterflies are still there
oh yes the butterflies are still there
we've shared joy and we've shared pain
we've shared guilt and we've shared shame
we've bought into the stupid games
we've freed each other and we laid claim
oh yes the butterflies are still there
oh yes the butterflies are still there
oh yes the butterflies are still there
oh yes the butterflies are still there
because we came from the same cocoon
:::vor ungefähr einem jahr:::
:::noch ein vorletztes mal warten:::
Judith Würzburg 16/09/2006 17:04
das licht ist ein traum !!!AnneCaroline Be 13/09/2006 12:17
tollinger!K. Rümel 29/08/2006 16:11
vielen dank euch allen!:o)Erdbeer Yoghurt 25/08/2006 11:28
WunderWunderschön*Frau Ali 24/08/2006 11:29
:-)Das ist sehr gefühlvoll...
Und angesichts dieses Gefühls freut mich der Untertitel besonders!
Andjeo Strichstrichstrich 24/08/2006 10:43
die sonne is echt toll :D mag die form der spiegelung und die farben ja sowieso!jaja so schnell is die zeit vergangen...und sowas tolles steht noch bevor :*