The Fiddler
Mark Knopfler -
The meaning of the song is:
no matter how successful or rich you are, eventually you have to suffer and one day you're surely gonna die (But either on the strip or on the edge of town, everybody pays).
This song was written after a bike accident when Mark Knopfler broke his shoulder, his collarbone and some ribs. There was some doubt if he would ever be able to play guitar again and he recovered fully (I got shot off my horse, So what? I'm up again and playing in one of these big saloons on main) and (Everybody has to leave some blood here on the floor). The accident makes him aware of his own mortality (Nobody's driving me underground. Not yet anyway).
Actually, I think the gambling is only a metaphor for life!
LenkaG 01/05/2019 10:10
Ein klasse Streetfoto, sehr gut diesen Moment festgehalten.LG Lenka
Tante Mizzi 28/04/2019 12:55
Ein berührender Moment ... klasse fotografiert !!!Liebe Grüße
ErichB 28/04/2019 11:37
Wow ...echt eine Interessante Szene ...sehr gut aufgenommen.
LG Erich
s'hlawakaya 27/04/2019 22:12
....eine intensive Szene...fein von dir festgehalten...LG shlawa
Tafelberg 27/04/2019 20:19
Gebeugt von der Last des Alltages. Gut dokumentiert, BobMac.Gruß Guido
GabrielArts 27/04/2019 19:18
Momente der Konzentration gepflückt.... LG GabrielAJosé María Photo Art 27/04/2019 18:52
Interessante Szene. Tolle Streefotografie.Viele Grüße, José María