The Fungi World (233) : Golden Bootleg
Golden Bootleg is a rare fungus with a strong odour of bitter almonds.
It’s an attractive apparition in the autumn forest, but unfortunately stands worldwide on the Red List as vulnerable (except for Alaska where it can be found abundant)
Mildly toxic.
Dutch name : Goudhoed
German name : Goldfarbener Glimmerschüppling
Latin name : Phaeolepiota aurea
Bottom right, you can see the birth of an Amethyst Deceiver (Amethistzwam / Violetter Lacktrichterling / Laccaria amethystea).
See picture below for a mature specimen.
A big thanks to Irbenika
for the nomination of this picture !
Mark Billiau. 18/03/2014 8:05
@ everybody who voted pro : thanks very much and of course an extra thanks to Irbenika for the nomination of this picture.Mark
Jörg Klüber 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
+Jürg Scherrer 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
pro+++++++++++++Hans Georg Gemünden 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
*** pro ***Sylvia Schulz 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
+Marchetti Roberto 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
Pro!!AndersFotografie 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
pro+++Edi Ogris 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
PROReinhard... 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
C!Angelika El. 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
- Edith Vogel 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
ProKalk Lutz 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
ProRalph Bache 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
proFranco Cutroni 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
PROEmilio Sirletti 18/03/2014 7:15 Commento di voto
Merry Christmas!p R o