The Living Forest (179) : Robin
I guess everybody knows this beautiful and photogenic little fellow.
It’s my favourite bird !
The Robin is the only bird that can be heard singing in the forest all year round, even in harsh winter times.
This is because it holds very strong to its territory and always defends it, even to the death (and not only during the mating season).
Unfortunately, cold and long winters seriously affect the Robin population.
Dutch name : Roodborstje
German name : Rotkehlchen
Latin name : Erithacus rubecula
† Reinhard S 05/01/2016 17:57
Wunderschön !Amitiés, Reinhard
Gunther Hasler 17/03/2012 19:14
Hi Mark, sehr hübsch das kleine Rotkehlchen in dieser Umgebung und sehr schön auch das Licht!LG Gunther
Jenipher Baker 17/03/2012 12:25
A great shot of the puffed up robin .... good colours and details ..also one of my favourite birds :-)bw Jeni
Irbenika 14/03/2012 21:31
Perfect shot of this little bird with beautiful plumage!!Ira
Alfred Schultz 14/03/2012 20:58
An US-friend of mine is called "Robin" too,but she is not half as pretty as your bird.
Cheers - A.
willy ombret 14/03/2012 19:52
splendide shoottrès belle phyo
willy ombret
aline64 14/03/2012 12:36
une jolie prise naturelle de ce petit rouge gorge !!! beau shootamicalement
aspectus 13/03/2012 23:32
FANTASTISCH! Eine erstklassige Aufnahme!!!!!!!!!!!LG Renate
Lawson McCulloch 13/03/2012 21:51
These little birds like many others have such a tough and short life, but they bring much enjoyment with their song and inquisitive wishes from Lawson.
Massimo Gherardi 13/03/2012 21:19
Excellent catch! Nice colors and superb sharpness.Best regards, Massimo
Adele D. Oliver 13/03/2012 20:57
Ahhh, the little Robin .... how sweet he looks with his expecting expression .... beautiful against the blue sky - a very fine capture, Mark !!!greetings, Adele
viola d 13/03/2012 19:39
What a beauty, Mark. And so fantastically captured in its natural habitat perfectly matching the bird's colouring. Bw, ViolaCanan Oner 13/03/2012 19:23
One of the little birds which I love so much ..And its great to hear his songs all year around..A lovely image you have shared with us Mark..So sweet, so beautiful..
Vitória Castelo Santos 13/03/2012 19:19
Amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Vera M. Shulga 13/03/2012 18:11
I like this bird and Robin's songs too. As always, perfect image!eyewink
Vera Shulga