The Living Forest (185) : Common Bluebell
This macro shows one of the millions of Bluebells that can be found at present time in the Belgian ‘Bluebell Woods’ with the ‘Hallerbos’ as most famous (see picture below)
Have a close look at these flowers and see how wonderful bell-shaped they are.
I wish you all could smell its heady floral aroma.
The brownish edges of some of the flowers is the result of night frost.
Dutch name : Wilde Hyacint (syn. Boshyacint)
German name : Atlantische Hasenglöckchen
Latin name : Hyacinthoides non-scripta
odeveld219 30/04/2013 19:28
I still prefer the Common Bluebell, his simplicity makes it so wonderful! And together like in the Hallerbos the are just like a fairy tale! It's very well captured Mark!!!!Regards, Odeveld
† Ushie Farkas 07/05/2012 10:28
GENUSS PUR, MARK!!! Gruß UshieClaudio Oldrini 02/05/2012 16:45
Splendid image with sensible colors!Saluti Claudio
Silvia Simonato. 30/04/2012 2:42
Plena de vida... has conseguido una imagen brillante!!Saludos Silvia
Günter Nau 29/04/2012 18:37
Das Hasenglöckchen ist immer wieder ein phänomenaler Hingucker. Super Arbeit Mark.Grüße Günter
carinart 25/04/2012 11:51
Ganz herrlich anzuschauen!L.G. Karin
viola d 19/04/2012 11:42
It's a beautiful world, isn't it?V.
Jacques BURY 19/04/2012 9:25
A very good choice.Beautiful flower reaching maturity.*****Deryck 19/04/2012 6:17
You show us so much beauty in these woods! It makes me want to visit them. These flowers are beautiful and very well presented in your picture. Thanks for sharing this beautyDeryck
Jochen Braband 18/04/2012 22:25
This is so beautiful!Excellent captured!
VLG. Jochen
Angelika El. 18/04/2012 21:21
Welch prächtiges Blau zeigen die Blüten der Bluebells!
Es muss eine wahre Pracht sein, diese Blüten im Wald zu sehen und dann auch noch so weit das Auge reicht!!!
Adele D. Oliver 18/04/2012 19:47
Nature's perfection in the tiniest blossoms ... great your close-up capture showing the fine details and brilliant blue of the little bells !!greeting,s Adele
Heinz Janovsky 18/04/2012 18:38
Wunderschön in Schärfe und Farben. Fein freigestellt.Gruß Heinz
Bernhard Kuhlmann 18/04/2012 18:17
Die Farben des Hasenglöckchens gefallen mir ausserordentlich gut !Sehr schön mit dem Hintergrund.
Gruß Bernd
Stefan Kuba 18/04/2012 18:06
Sehr schön freigstellt vom HG - durch die verdeckte Sonne kommt so richtig gut die blaue Farbe zur Geltung.LG Stefan