The Living Forest (186) : Common Broom
At the moment, Broom shows its first flowers in the forest and will gradually continue to full bloom.
Dutch name : Brem
German name : Besenginster
Latin name : Cytisus scoparius
Irbenika 07/05/2012 19:38
Wonderful contrast of yellow and green!!! Excellent sharpness!Ira
† Ushie Farkas 07/05/2012 10:23
EXCELLENT!!! Gruß UshieAdele D. Oliver 05/05/2012 21:34
A very fine close up capture of the pretty broom - so easy to see his fine rolled up stamen, and beautiful these fresh colours. Some of the island hills (on our sailing trip) were alive with fields of broom - always a bit too far for a decent shot.greetings, Adele
Günter Nau 05/05/2012 19:19
Wunderbar. Mehr kann ich dazu gar nicht sagen.Grüße Günter
BRYAN CRUTE 04/05/2012 10:40
Excellent dof showing off these striking flowersRegards
Rackerli 03/05/2012 21:41
Excellent! I like those dark light!Greetings
Alfred Schultz 03/05/2012 19:53
This looks more like a vacuum cleaner thana broom to me ;o)
Cheers - A.
Jochen Braband 03/05/2012 17:51
Das ist schon Klasse fotografiert!Sieht ganz toll aus!
VLG. Jochen
Heinz Janovsky 03/05/2012 7:17
Sehr schönes Detail.Gruß Heinz
Angelika El. 02/05/2012 21:18
Wundervoll, dieses intensive GElb und Grün! Wunderschön sind die blühenden Ginsterbüsche!!!
Josef Kainz 02/05/2012 20:26
Schönes Blumenmakrovg josef
Jenipher Baker 02/05/2012 18:26
Top dof and spot on with the focus ..... I also like the soft light here . has a warm feel about it :-)cheers Jeni
A. Lötscher -Bergjäger- 02/05/2012 18:17
Ganz fein gemacht!LG Bergjäger
aline64 02/05/2012 18:08
Délicate petites fleurs jaunes, de beaux détailsamicalement
J o s e f 02/05/2012 16:10
Very good!Kind regards, Josef