The Living Forest (273) : A sea of Bluebells
Each year in april, some Belgian forests are completely covered by dense carpets of millions (yes millions !) of lavender-blue, bell-shaped Bluebells.
These forests are commonly referred to as "Bluebell Woods" with the ‘Hallerbos’ as most famous.
The view of this floral carpet is truly memorable and impressive.
As far as the eye can see, there are bluebells and bluebells and bluebells…….uncountable.
A natural wonder of the finest kind !
Dutch name : Wilde Hyacint (ook Boshyacint genoemd)
German name : Atlantische Hasenglöckchen
Latin name : Hyacinthoides non-scripta
Location : 'Hallerbos' at Halle (Belgium)
Wolfgang Amadeus Zeus 01/12/2014 11:48
Sehr hallerbos!Wolfgang Amadeus Zeus 01/12/2014 11:37
:) Schick!fotoworxs 09/11/2014 11:14
Thank you Mark, for that great imression. Look at the wood anemons near my hometown:Best Regards
Inge Stüwe 03/05/2014 11:00
Ein herrlicher Blüten Teppich,wunderbar fotografiert!
Liebe Grüße
Sue Thompson 02/05/2014 16:04
A very beautiful woodland and that carpet of Bluebells is superb.:))
Monique Robinet 23/04/2014 21:42
Très joli sous-bois fleuri et belle lumière de printemps !jane B 23/04/2014 13:51
incontournable pour nous n'est-ce pas !extra :-)
Sinnombre 21/04/2014 20:37
Wow--das ist wirklich ein Geschenk Gottes!!!L.G.Carva
Helgrid 21/04/2014 17:46
Diese Umgebung hast du sehr schön fotografiert!Lieben Gruß von mir
EdelS 21/04/2014 15:48
Das sieht wunderschön aus. Was für ein toller Blumenteppich! Liebe Grüße EdelVera Shulga 20/04/2014 17:17
fantastic natural beauty!..Claudio Oldrini 17/04/2014 17:07
Beautiful image!Claudio
Deryck 16/04/2014 20:26
Beautiful! This would be a good enough reason for me to just park out there and enjoy the view. And I'm sure if I get closer I would find millions, yes millions of little creatures enjoying the fragrances and the newly opened blossomsDeryck
carinart 16/04/2014 15:25
Ach, wie herrlich! Dort würde ich auch mal gern spazieren gehen!l.G. Karin
MAURICE CLEGG 15/04/2014 20:19
wow, that's fantastic, must be wonderful to walk through this sea of colour.great light and composition.
regards, Maurice.