The Living Forest (8) : Banded demoiselle
Last weeks I was exploring several forests in the Belgian Ardennes.
This is the 8th. picture of a series illustrating the living forest.
Insects play an important role in the living forest (pollinate process, natural housekeeping, food for songbirds,…)
Most of them can be found in the open spaces, like this Banded demoiselle (female), an exceedingly dexterous flyer.
Dutch name : Weidebeekjuffer
German name : Gebänderte Prachtlibelle
Latin name : Calopteryx splendens
adriano j faria 27/08/2008 0:09
Oooo!! it seems he kiss the flower...great compositon Mark.very good detail,and beautiful ligth.
best wishes....Adri.
Gaby Falkenberg 25/08/2008 21:59
Brillant und hinreißend schön,Schärfe ,Licht und Farben einfach wundervoll.
Andreas Lem 24/08/2008 22:00
Excellent sharpness, perfectly light - well done!It´s a beautiful picture, nothing to criticise.
Best regards
Christiane Wüllner 24/08/2008 20:29
Great macro with beautiful colours!:-)) Christiane
Ryszard Basta 24/08/2008 19:46
meisterhaft dargestelltCees Kuijs 24/08/2008 19:12
Excellent close-up !! Perfectly composed and cropped !!Great colors.
Greetings, Cees
Pozer Katalin 24/08/2008 16:48
Dear Mark,It is a marvellous close up. Perfect sharpness, lively colors and lights.Yes, forest is living on your photos!
I hope you still have some pics from this series...
Best wishes,
Pe-Sto 24/08/2008 12:04
Das ist ja eine wahre Schönheit ... ich finde Libellen einfach faszinierend. Eine herrliche Macroaufnahme, Mark ... wunderbar sieht die Libelle aus in dem tollen Licht!!!glg Peggy
Gruber Fred 24/08/2008 11:23
Ein tolles Makro,die Libelle ist getarnt und du hast sie gesehen.Gute ArbeitLG Fred
† Ushie Farkas 24/08/2008 10:43
Excellentes Macro! Ich bin begeistert! Geuß UshieDeryck 24/08/2008 10:28
Wonderful shot Mark. The sharpness is fantastic and the compo is great.Deryck
Anca Silvia B. 24/08/2008 10:12
Toll fotografiert...Kompliment,Ancaarchiek 24/08/2008 8:53
Very nicely done in a natural setting. -archieJosef Kainz 24/08/2008 8:29
Ein super Makro gefällt mirlg. josef