The only time I'm happy's when I play my guitar
Driving in my car, smoking my cigar
The only time I'm happy's when I play my guitar
Ahh, ahh
Singing in my yacht, what a lot I got
Happiness is something that just cannot be bought
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh
I've been in and out, I've been up and down
I don't want to go until I've been all around
Ahh, ahh
Ahh, ahh
What's it all about? Anyone in doubt?
I don't want to go until I've found it all out
Ahh, ahh, ahh
(N.S.U. Cream)
Datschia Daster 24/07/2011 15:37
erinnert irgendwie an urlaub in den sechzigern.feine tonung.
der song passt auch.
gruß jennie
Knut Geissler 24/07/2011 14:34
Erinnerungen...Die Bearbeitung passt dazu.LG Knut
shakeapic 24/07/2011 13:24
ein wunderbares foto !!!gruß shakeapic
Wolfgang Sh. 24/07/2011 11:13
Viele meiner alten Dias haben auch eine solche Farbe angenommen;-) Sehr charmant und nostalgisch.Gruß Wolfgang