The Past, Present, and the Future Foto % Immagini| emotions, special Foto su fotocommunity
The Past, Present, and the Future Foto & Immagine di Ruth Skinner ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
The sepia is a nice effect to bring out nostalgia. The home and the various objects around it look to be a blend of old and new which gives weight to the title. I almost expect to see someone coming out the door anytime now! Nice job.
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Saska S. 17/08/2008 15:27
lovely mood, good, sasha
archiek 17/08/2008 1:02
A place of many memories and a home to live life to the fullest. The memory effect is enhances with the sepia coloring. -archieInez Correia Marques 14/08/2008 17:53
lovely mood ! like leike said, one almost expects someone maybe even sitting on that rocking chair. lovely place RuthLeika 13/08/2008 22:53
The sepia is a nice effect to bring out nostalgia. The home and the various objects around it look to be a blend of old and new which gives weight to the title. I almost expect to see someone coming out the door anytime now! Nice job.