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The Poet

This man is an important romanian poet...His name is Cristian Simionescu...
Here are some sequences(in a approximately translation) from exceptional book "The Marathon", published in 1985:

I swim among fiber stones as feline eyes
by desert grass."Be able to maneuver
rigors cold,break them the muscle of steel Swedish,
enough you were captive,
not does dies with everything,cheer up!"

"in my heart is a raven
ready to fly.The rate expensive of vanity:-
you bought what was you"

"harness tracks have left marks on your body,
indelible shadows,gratuitously you rub with pumice,
gratuitously fit clothes and makeup!Are occupations
which reveals what you want to hide with tenaciously."

"in my eye redness, a raven would stain of blood,
would drown in blood.
What meets the eye of what is to be seen?
if you say less,is hilarious!if you say everything,I do not think."

"before you know it of the subtle maneuvers chromosomial,
look you have become an old man,elegant
and in decline "

Commenti 15

  • Domenico Cosenza 02/01/2012 7:44

    Beautiful image, full of charm and poetry. Great job, Ciao, Domenico
  • Alexandra Baltog 30/12/2011 19:48

    bravo ! excellent picture!

  • Ilse Rehn 26/11/2011 13:39

    toller Bildaufbau mit diesen herrlichen Wölkchen und dem starken Portrait des Poeten!!
    liebe Grüße Ilse
  • Dragomir Vukovic 23/11/2011 11:11

    great 1
  • aline64 20/11/2011 15:04

    un très belle photo, bravo pour ce beau portrait
  • TeresaM 18/11/2011 20:14

    Géniale cette vision !
    Un portrait superbe de cet homme tenant entre ses mains l'oeuvre du photographe ;-))
    Excellent, Iacob +++
  • s. sabine krause 17/11/2011 18:24

    : ))))) p.s.: is it really your very own book (of poetry?) in his hands? that's great! congratulations! i hope you won't tell me "ha, ha – april fools! i just photoshopped it in!" stuff like that has happened to me before… one just can't trust anyone, anything, in digital times!! ; )) but tell me, do i read and translate the title correctly? "hospital of philantropy"? greetings, sabine.
  • s. sabine krause 17/11/2011 10:15

    "in my heart is a raven…" – this part of the poeom just stuck in my mind! of course, we can only guess at the raven in his heart, when looking at his portrait. a poet surrounded by his ethereal cloud-like inspirations, floating through the sky, magically matching his white wiseman's hair ; ))… but the solemn raven is in there, too, fluttering heavily against the walls of his shirt-colored heart, sneering at the fluffy clouds… ; )) – – nothing but my very subjective associations, of course… greetings, sabine. p.s.: and thank you so much for introducing the poet simionescu to us!
  • Ruth U. 16/11/2011 19:29

    Ein sehr schönes Portrait, so viel Raum für den Himmel, das sieht wunderbar aus.
    LG Ruth
  • Perry Blevins 15/11/2011 20:48

    Nice portrait with a superb backdrop with this beautiful sky.
  • Adele D. Oliver 15/11/2011 20:24

    A fine character study of this poet and splendid the light and bright colours.... he writes very beautifully !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • Claudio Micheli 15/11/2011 18:24

    Bella!:..ottimo anche il contrasto cromatico.
  • Canan Oner 15/11/2011 12:05

    Very nice portrait in beautiful colors Iacob..And a beautiful poem..
    Thanks for sharing..
  • Lily-Rose 15/11/2011 7:45

    La tête dans les nuages...
    Joliment observé.
  • adriana lissandrini 14/11/2011 23:50

    E' bellissimo questo ritratto di un poeta, un uomo elegante e in declino.....un'immagine molto nitida, naturale, dai bei colori vividi, molto sensibile, complimenti Iacob, ottima!
    un carissimo saluto,


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