the shell Foto % Immagini| abstract nature, nature Foto su fotocommunity
the shell Foto & Immagine di Jaime Crystal Attenborough ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Andreas-Hoffmann 22/11/2007 20:15
Cool colour . Great picture . Powerful !Comy 18/11/2007 9:40
great abstract...franna43 11/11/2007 12:36
Love it! Love the contrast!!! Stunning pic!!Me L 03/11/2007 11:49
+great+aw masry 01/11/2007 17:21
Amazing scene !!!The dark tone making it so dramatic.
Best regards - aw masry
Yadran Saavedra 30/10/2007 23:22
rich in black! I love it!Dragomir Vukovic 22/10/2007 23:30
fine touch ***Andrej Nagode 16/10/2007 20:40
Fine work!Best wishes - Andrejc
Thomas. Weber. 15/10/2007 19:50
very fine abstract shot with très chic bw tone intensifying the shimmering sand.Lydia Schwaiger 15/10/2007 19:43
very interessting.....good job....greetings lydiaFons van Swaal 15/10/2007 19:28
It looks like an eye in the sand watching over us...Very nice abstract...well noticed and captured...!!
Best regards......Fons
JVision 15/10/2007 11:19
Excellent abstract work !!Greetings
CsomorLászló 15/10/2007 10:07
Extra abstract!bw
Cees Kuijs 15/10/2007 8:03
Looks a bit sinister, Jaime. My first though was a road :-))But it`s a very nice abstract of nature.
Greetings, Cees