The Unforeseen
An old woman unattended has found away to cope. She sings and hears her voice alone echoing of the basement walls while others carry the idea to the river for their last drinking ritual one after the other.
When will she realize that just maybe mother time has played a trick on her and that she will last the test of time and witness great great grand children she'll never know while sitting in the basement waiting for the unforeseen.
maria teresa mosna 20/01/2016 21:02
Tradizione e modernità, ciao MtBerthold Klammer 17/12/2015 20:40
Fine frame including all items to sum up to a great picture!regards Berthold
eduard szattler 16/12/2015 20:47
My goodness ... this face...DIMITRIOS TSAKIRIS 16/12/2015 11:42
Fantastic as usual...the presentation and of course your commitment for what really matters to be presented...Warm regards, Dimitrios
Sue Thompson 16/12/2015 8:50
It amaze me how you find these people, hidden aaay as they are, and can then photograph them.:))
JOKIST 15/12/2015 20:36
KOMPLIMENT für dieses interessante Bild !LG Ingrid und Hans