The view from Hohloh Tower
The view from the Hohloh Tower near Kaltenbronn (Blackforest area of Baden-Wuertemberg); on to the town of Gernsbach, the Murg Valley, the Rhine Valley and the Vosges Mountain.
The view from Hohloh Tower
The view from the Hohloh Tower near Kaltenbronn (Blackforest area of Baden-Wuertemberg); on to the town of Gernsbach, the Murg Valley, the Rhine Valley and the Vosges Mountain.
† gre. 31/08/2016 19:47
Gut gemacht - ein schöner Blick über die Schwarzwaldhöhen !LG gre.
claudine capello 26/07/2016 20:11
una bella visione su un paesaggio splendido e selvaggio ! complimenti ! clAdele D. Oliver 26/07/2016 0:47
a view that goes on forever .... beautiful mountainscape here, impressive cloud formations and great the sun beaming through .... a fine capture - and I trust you had a great time in our good old homeland !!!hugs, Adele