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The Witch's Familiar

The Witch's Familiar

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The Witch's Familiar

Model: Euforia91
Photographers and Post Producers: Maurizio Moroni

The image include parts of property of different authors. The copyright of every single part belongs to the respective author.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7tLqZXFMNo (Skogsrået / The Wood Nymph- Jean Sibelius)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-HLl9P60mk (Ninfa das Frescas Augas - Roi Casal)

Il tempo e la pazienza possono più della forza o della rabbia / Le temps et la patience peuvent plus que la force ou de la colère - Jean De La Bruyère
C’è un limite oltre il quale la pazienza cessa di essere una virtù / Il ya une limite au-delà duquel la patience cesse d'être une vertu - Edmund Burke

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