The Work is Done
in Salalah, Oman
a ship (dhow) docked behind us and loaded with hundreds and hundreds of goats ... these young lads unloaded them onto waiting trucks for hours in the heat ... it was quite a spectacle with many goats trying to escape, jumping into the water and being fished out again - but it was also sad to see ...
Ram Ramkumar 28/02/2016 8:41
Another great capture - good documentary once againDragomir Vukovic 23/02/2016 12:26
***Arnold. Meyer 23/02/2016 10:23
Ein schönes Detailfoto. Die haben sich die besten Plätze ausgesucht. Das Foto gefällt mir sehr gut.LG Arnold
Joëlle Millet 20/02/2016 1:54
Excellent . J'aime , c'est si dépaysant . BisesTeresaM 19/02/2016 23:28
EXCELLENT cadrage & belle mise en valeur de la scène que tu as capturée, Adele !!Bisous & bon weekend :-)
chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 19/02/2016 22:13
Tres beau reportage ! Bon WE ! Biseslolita cecilia 19/02/2016 21:02
Triste imagen muy bien fotografiada...Magnífica luz y una gran definición...
Un abrazo, Adele.
Emilio Sirletti 19/02/2016 17:21
Coffee break.Beautiful documentation.
Ciao, Emilio
sparkling light 19/02/2016 9:41
My first thought was that they're on the way to Germany.Nice look inside a totally different world.
Elvina Benoist-Audiau 18/02/2016 23:22
Yes I agree with you, it is sad to see the young lads who have so little to make a living. Hugs, ElviZenonas 18/02/2016 14:19
Beautiful shot, good timing and comp.Claudio Micheli 18/02/2016 13:14
Davvero una bella presentazione.Ciao
SINA 18/02/2016 10:27
Ein Bild mit ganz viel Atmosphäre liebe Adelewunderbar
sehr lebendig und farbenfroh
Herzliche Grüsse von Sina für einen schönen Tag
YVES Lr 18/02/2016 9:56
Un sacré spectacle que tu nous montres et nous racontes là. Le drame et la drôlerie, la misère et le sourire se côtoient si souvent dans la vie. Cette image le résume bien.Giampiero Mazzoleni 18/02/2016 9:18
Molto bella e interessante questa foto, ti faccio i miei complimenti !!!ciao, Giampi