Throssell Street Collie WA
Throssell Street Collie WA
"Don't be afraid to say Hello" - Aussie here, and this tip is good. Everywhere I go, whenever I go out, I'm always saying Hi to folks and having a casual chat, asking folks at food shops how business is going, etc. It's just normal here; we're friendly. We're the country where you ride in a taxi in the front seat next to the driver and have an excellent ol' chat with the driver on your way to a destination. We'll nod or say g'day when walking past someone to break the tension. It's just normal here.
Adele D. Oliver 01/04/2023 1:08
a hot and empty downtown street ... well shown from thisangle !!!
wishing you a relaxing weekend,
Tante Mizzi 31/03/2023 20:45
Eine klasse Street-Aufnahme !!!Ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende und bleib gesund!
Liebe Grüße
Blula 31/03/2023 18:58
Interessant, das Bild könnte auch in einer Kleinstadt in den USA gemacht worden sein. Es schaut si ruhig aus. War gerade Mittagszeit ?LG Ursila
Christian Villain 31/03/2023 12:36
Excellente photo-compositionJ'apprécie
Ich wünsche ein schönes Wochenende
LG Christian