703 4

Michael Schwerter

Premium (Pro), Schwerte

Till 24 of july

i´m not here in the fc (perhaps there is a pc in the hotel in ibiza.

So see you soon.

Best wishes to all my buddies.

Titel of the pic:

saturdaybusiness at 10.11 am


Commenti 4

  • Dieter. Reichert 12/06/2008 5:12

    Hauptsächlich das rechte Bild gefällt mir-der raue Weg zur Bank mit seiner Schattenseite- die klare Zukunft bis zum Ende mit der etwas drohenden Gefahr als Himmel dargestellt
  • phonepics 09/06/2008 23:53

    simply great lg pici
    wie geht diese bearbeitung?
  • Michael Schwerter 08/06/2008 22:05

    Thanks Frederick

    but this is a goodbye picture, for the next 2 weeks.

  • Frederick Mann 08/06/2008 17:04

    interesting example of EBV ... and maybe I'm a traditonalist.. I frankly prefer the picture on the left (with a mild color correction) that the picture on the right... it's IHMO a tic to much ... yet... interesting... if that's your thing ...

    here I suppose individual taste plays a major role...