Torre e Cattedrale di Pisa
Truly one of the world's most magical countries, Italy is everything you've heard and so much more. I took 30 rolls of film over two week period during my stay a few years ago. I am itching to go back and use my digital camera.
David Bank 06/05/2006 15:49
The classical shot but still very impressive. Black and White gives it a timeless ambience. Well done.Kind regards
MWPhoto 01/05/2006 19:25
nice contrast, GinoKarsten Schade 30/04/2006 20:56
Klasse! Man sieht auch gut, dass nicht nur der Turm in Pisa schief ist;-)@Frank: Für 15,- Euro darf man hoch!
VG Karsten
Frank aus Köln 30/04/2006 19:12
Tolle s/w-Aufnahme. Irgendwie ist der Turm ja doch ganz schön schief. Kein Wunder, dass da keiner mehr drauf darf.VG Frank
Gerd Böh 30/04/2006 18:34
as you have shown, it is not always necessaryto use a digital cam. excellent picture.
regards, gerd