Towards the Gate of Heaven....
Locals enjoy an afternoon stroll through the main street of Lasa heading towards the Gate of Heaven, the Barkor central square where the big Jokanda Temple is.
Many of them keep praying wheels or rosaries in their hands.
Inez Correia Marques 27/11/2014 17:21
I love the lightso surreal!! Bravo
Harold Thompson 23/11/2014 9:48
Busy street scene:-)) Harold
Sue Thompson 23/11/2014 8:45
A very interesting scene showing a different ay of life to what we know.:))
Adele D. Oliver 23/11/2014 3:33
your street captures with their people and background buildings of the city are fascinating, Alexander .... an invitation to see and experience it with one's own eyes !!greetings, Adele
SINA 23/11/2014 2:34
Ein wunderbares Foto auch alle drei Bilder berühren michLiebe Grüße
von Sina
rolvin 22/11/2014 23:30
So strange and fascinating at the same time. A very wonderful photograph of Tibet and its people.Best wishes, Roland