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Trade  wins where politics fail

Trade wins where politics fail

1.967 7

alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Trade wins where politics fail

Middle East
at Damascus gate

Damascus Gate inJerusalem
"The Holy Gem", the most ancient and historic city in the world. A city where the bliss of a legendary past competes with the cruelty of a current and destructive present reality. A city in which Bible, Tora and Koran books rest reconciliated on the same bookcase shelf while their followers, as eternal enemies, blow each other in the streets or behind trenches and barricades. A city where the simplicity of the Wailing Wall merges with the sparkling gold and fayence of a superb islamic art in the dome of Omar Temple and the imposing bulk of the Christian Orthodox cathedrals raised in th sites of Nativity and Holy Passion.
And yet...

In the foto, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Armenians all joined together in a peaceful motion for the routine daily necessities a habit that remains unchanged for ages despite religion, politics or race ethics. A huge crowd swirls early morning as Damascus Gate, the most historic gate to the Old City, opens at down and closes at sunset in order to perpetuate a trade that keeps different people together.
Trade wins where politics fail...

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Fotocamera Nikon SUPER COOLSCAN 8000 ED
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