Ghosts and fays are around us! This image should be a symbol against all the superficiality and violence in our modern life, for thinking about our deepness and our humanity which may be in our souls...
All arts are the products of the unseen and the unknown. They are the parts of the mystery of our own existence.
Rolleiflex 6008 (6X6), ZEISS Macro Planar 120mm.
Photography by Peter Allert*
PeterAllert 27/01/2015 11:22
Hallo Maria, ich danke dir herzlich!!!Ich freue mich auch sehr, dir hier zu begegnen!
Ganz liebe Grüße zurück,
Maria Frodl 20/01/2015 14:03
Sehr eindrücklich dieses Bild, Peter!Schön Dich hier zu sehen :)
LG Maria