Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Trees ... Trees Everywhere

This is part of the Vancouver General Hospital complex - last month when the trees were still bare.

Thank you so much for all your recent kind comments!

Commenti 27

  • Inez Correia Marques 12/10/2010 10:40

    Trees are people too, my client used to say! I think she was right
    Very very beautiful in monochrome
  • decay 20/05/2009 13:22

  • chris nsmith 14/05/2009 17:55

    What a great shot,well done.good eye.
  • Elisa M 14/05/2009 0:21

    Una fotografía muy buena de grandes verticales.
    Me gustan los reflejos de los árboles en las ventanas y la sensación de soledad que transmite.
  • Anca Silvia B. 13/05/2009 21:55

    schön..ich hab mich gewundert wiso..nacher habe ich gelesen :)))
    LG Anca
  • Eugenia Kyriakopoulou 13/05/2009 9:51

    Great symmetry on this one! What aperture and speed do you use to get such a great depth of field?
  • Meike T. 13/05/2009 8:50

    Eine gute Aufnahme von dir.
    Bäume sind doch so beruhigend...

    LG Meike
  • Wolfgang Marongiu 12/05/2009 23:09

    this image is a very strong,very fantastic idea and beautiful B/W,compliments,bye Wolf
  • Alfredo Yanez 12/05/2009 22:37

    Very good capture, excellent composition B y W beautiful trees
    Congratulations Adele
    Regards Alfredo
  • Feenharfe 12/05/2009 20:16

    Ganz hervorragend! Die Kontraste zwischen Hell und Dunkel, Hart und Weich - wirklich sehr sehr gut!

    Liebe Grüße
  • Sally Dunn 12/05/2009 20:09

    It looks architecturally better than the hospital down the road here. I like the slanted effect of the rooms, perhaps there is a better view in that direction?! At least the trees are something natural to look out of the windows on to! When I was in hospital in Italy last year (during what was going to be a fabulous holiday but turned into an awful time) I looked out onto an air conditioning system on a roof. There was a cat that visited on the roof though!
  • Angelika El. 12/05/2009 19:59

    Diese Aufnahme mit den vielen Formen hat einen ganz besonderen Reiz durch die unbelaubten Bäume! Das sw ist hier einfach Klasse...


  • Ernst Heister 12/05/2009 19:22

    Schöner Kontrast der Baum"skelette" zur strengen Geometrie der Krankenhausbauten, kommt sehr gut in SW!
    Liebe Grüße, Ernst
  • Pascal Viyer 12/05/2009 19:02

    good BW