Cape Castlepoint isn't well known amongst travellers, which is a shame. It is one of the wildest and most stunning coastal locations I have ever seen.
Cape Castlepoint isn't well known amongst travellers, which is a shame. It is one of the wildest and most stunning coastal locations I have ever seen.
T. Schiffers 12/11/2017 20:18
sehr feiner bildaufbau...und n traummotiv schlechthin.tinoEifelpixel 10/11/2017 8:07
Sehr schön zeigst du die vielfältige KüsteGrüße aus der Eifel Joachim
Doris Werner 09/11/2017 16:41
† Reinhard S 09/11/2017 16:37
Großartig!Viele Grüsse, Reinhard
Klaus Kieslich 14/09/2017 17:20
Ein sehr guter BildaufbauGruß Klaus