Trollkjerka 2
Another one from Trollkjerka
The limestone reflects so much of the light from the opening above that it's possible to get pictures looking like there's almost daylight inside....
Mix of two pictures, both 12mm, one at 3.sek f18 and one at 6 sek f13
(btw, thanks to Christiane Wüllner
and Jan Ragnar Boland
for pushing me to make the trip. It was a long, steep and warm walk :-D )
Radek Ulrich 22/07/2014 18:41
Amazing place... and nice shot!Gert van der Flier 17/11/2008 19:48
Great atmosphere, Tor-Henrik.Very good use of the light.
I like it.
Best regards, Gert
Andrej Nagode 09/08/2008 15:04
Wonderful picture!Well done.
Christiane Wüllner 17/07/2008 22:11
Totto, you made the trip and a fine photo of this waterfall too!:-)) Christiane
Ludvig S 17/07/2008 3:32
Very nice composition and light! Beautiful image.