Two minutes young
My first granddaughter's birth.
She came two months early.
Bad light, no time !
Two minutes young
My first granddaughter's birth.
She came two months early.
Bad light, no time !
Kenny Jazz 16/02/2006 22:40
I`m agree with the light - but I think this is more documentary photo for family than a photo for us. For me its difficult to watch on the birth of newborn child ...But you have a brave heart !:)
Renato T. 15/02/2006 19:50
Stunning...Luc Grollie 15/02/2006 17:08
Proficiat Luc met je kleindochter, een goeie reden om fotookes te nemen, ge zult nog tijd genoeg hebben !!groetjes uit Bredene...