Urban Autism Foto % Immagini| documentary & journalism, subjects Foto su fotocommunity
Urban Autism Foto & Immagine di Dragos Ion ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Andrej Nagode 09/11/2008 7:28
+++Gazp . 09/11/2008 1:09
*+*Alexandra Baltog 05/11/2008 9:42
very good!regards,
Dragomir Vukovic 05/11/2008 0:22
strongIlidio Fernandes 04/11/2008 23:12
Excellent work , great title too.TFR 04/11/2008 15:50
Fitting title. well done.Rgrds, Robert
Michael Grotkamp 04/11/2008 10:22
Yes. And its to say, that people share in great parts this modern but humbling kind of autism. Great speaking pic,excellent done...
mfG M.G.
Adele D. Oliver 04/11/2008 6:41
Very dramatic, great social statement and perfect in black and white.greetings, Adele