Volant cap a la lluna - Flying to the moon
La nit acaba i la lluna vol desaparèixer sobre l'aeroport de València
(imatge presa des de la meua finestra)
The night ends and the moon wants to disappear over the airport of València
(image taken from my window)
Josep A. Collado 30/09/2005 0:04
Thank you.
Dragomir Vukovic 27/09/2005 9:27
excellentPINDORIUS 25/09/2005 20:24
quina sort, les dues primeres hores després de sortir el sol son, per mi, les que tenen millor llum del dia.°°° celle °°° 25/09/2005 18:51
nice onei like it
rgds celal
Josep A. Collado 25/09/2005 17:21
@All: Thank you very much.@Cees: Yes; practically it was like this. Often, when it is so low, it has this color, specially if it is windy (I do'nt know why ...)
@Carles: Efectivament, crec que l'alba és un moment fascinant. .... I no, no venia de marxa; és que normalment dorm poc i sovint ja estic despert a aquestes hores (devien ser sobre les 6 o un poc més)
Esbjörn Strid 25/09/2005 9:35
Excellent shot with lovely colours.greetings
Fo Ri 24/09/2005 14:56
very nice photoJaime Crystal Attenborough 24/09/2005 12:59
love the colours.quite soft and tropical.
the world is a fantastic place.
jaime :)
Frank Cecconi 24/09/2005 11:56
I love Valencia! Great picture. Brings back some memories for me;-) Well done! Rgds, Frank C.PINDORIUS 24/09/2005 10:52
bona idea, bon moment, clar que potser tornaves d'una nit moguda, quina hora era??Cees Kuijs 24/09/2005 10:16
Very nice picture. But was the mooon really so red as shows in the picture ? Anyway, great catch.Greetings, Cees