waiting alone Foto % Immagini| archiv, a r c h i v aktuell, concorso: alla stazione... Foto su fotocommunity
waiting alone Foto & Immagine di Klaus Ziora ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Hallo Klaus,
I love this picture, i believe it could have receive a better mark, anyway, is it ok to you to upload this picture at www.allastazionedeitreni.it. That would be great to me. So th email address for the picture is info@allastazionedeitreni.it.
I wish you want,
waiting for your picture
Thanks and best regards
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Massimo Miccini 04/11/2006 19:31
Hallo Klaus,I love this picture, i believe it could have receive a better mark, anyway, is it ok to you to upload this picture at www.allastazionedeitreni.it. That would be great to me. So th email address for the picture is info@allastazionedeitreni.it.
I wish you want,
waiting for your picture
Thanks and best regards