Walking in SIENA Foto % Immagini| people, public Foto su fotocommunity
Walking in SIENA Foto & Immagine di Majid mehraban ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Very effective composition and point of view .... great sense of movement .... good choice with this black and white conversion.
I like this a lot, Majid!!!
greetings, Adele
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KEBIN 25/09/2011 11:47
Breathing of the person in bustle of a town, sound, a smell, and various things are transmitted. Nice !!kebin
Norbert Kappenstein 09/02/2011 10:03
A very good work.LG Norbert
Sally Dunn 04/02/2011 22:46
Its a great perspective and I can feel the movement of the people as they go by!Hugs
Nader Pakbaz 04/02/2011 9:22
A good job againWalk
In the shadows
CsomorLászló 04/02/2011 7:55
A move street pic!bw
Adele D. Oliver 03/02/2011 21:58
Very effective composition and point of view .... great sense of movement .... good choice with this black and white conversion.I like this a lot, Majid!!!
greetings, Adele