1.139 2

Mike Wefers

Free Account, Essen


Ricoh 500 GX (für die, die es interessiert)

Commenti 2

  • Mai Kee 16/04/2006 20:53

    Ein Bild vom Weihnachtsmarkt an Ostersamstag... Sarkasmus oder Ironie? Gruss vom 'Camino', Maike
  • Visiones de vida. 16/04/2006 4:24

    " friendships "

    ..ever since I was young, I have been deeply moved by the emotional touch of friendship. I speak of friendship, not just of those who we build a bond with, though I do admit, the value of such is priceless, but I speak of those lives that touch us through the journey of our lives, those seemingly complete stranger that we share a brief and thin moment of time,..but yet by some inner connections,...if time was to stop, we more then likely would form a special bond with them...I speak of the man at the gas station, or that women at the store we stopped during one of those unmemorable " roadtrips ",...I speak of those individuals we casually but in some cosmic way our lives have been changed and touched at that point in time by thier kind words or gesture,.........

    In my mind I alway envision hands so delicate going through time and space, in a moment they touch,...making a emotional connection we never forget,....leaving a trace in that universe we call our souls, that only enrich our lives forever,....


    this image gives me this feeling.