Well go on... Foto % Immagini| animals, pets & farm animals, horses Foto su fotocommunity
Well go on... Foto & Immagine di Elvira R ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
I like the fact that all the focus are on the hoof and shoe to the left. That's a special detail and it's pretty cool!
Otherwise you haven't got the best sharpness, and if I were you I would have cropped it on some way so that the hoof and shoe would be the real motive.
Beautiful horse!
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faxifan 23/08/2011 13:42
the colours of the obstacle look funny! :DEmma H 26/10/2006 15:07
Coolt, den vänstra bakhoven är helt i fokus, ser roligt ut! Synd att du inte kunde fått bara hoven, det hade vart bäst! :DAnna Attlid 24/10/2006 7:20
I like the fact that all the focus are on the hoof and shoe to the left. That's a special detail and it's pretty cool!Otherwise you haven't got the best sharpness, and if I were you I would have cropped it on some way so that the hoof and shoe would be the real motive.
Beautiful horse!
Anna Attlid