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Where Alexander the Great was conceived..

Where Alexander the Great was conceived..

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alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Where Alexander the Great was conceived..

North Aegean Sea
Island of Samothrace

Samothrace is one of the most ancient historicaly reported Aegean islands due to the Kavirean mysteries mentioned by ancient historians, poets, philosophers and even by Goethe in his "Faust". These mysteries were secret rituals and pagan ceremonies performed by the ancients Gods and forbidden to ordinary mortals. Only, according to legend, the Macedonian king Philip, in the apex of his glory, is reported to have visited the actual religious site where she met Olympias, one of the priestesses there, whom he married giving birth to Alexander the Great at 356 BC. So it is presumed that Alexander was..conceived there.

In the photo the remaining ancient columns mark the site where the Heraion Temple was situated, in the interion of the island, which was the central point of the ceremonies.

Commenti 10

  • Carlo.Pollaci 16/04/2015 21:56

    Le rovine del grandioso tempio dorico, emblema della razionalità dell'uomo, si stagliano con forza nell'aspro ambiente.
    Magnifica fotografia.
    Un caro saluto,
  • Johanna C. 15/04/2015 19:32

    Félicitations pour cette magnifique capture de ce lieux historique
    Excellent rendu et cadrage
    Amitiés et bonne soirée!
  • Janos Gardonyi 15/04/2015 4:46

    ++++++++++ janos
  • SINA 13/04/2015 9:32

    Welch faszinierender Ort umgeben von dieser Natur
    der seine Geschichte und seine Mythen die sich darum ranken aus zu atmen scheint
    sich setzen oder vielleicht sogar auf die Erde legen und spüren wahrnehmen
    das ist es was mir dazu einfällt
    Wie wertvoll für Dich all diese besonderen Stätten und Plätze auf suchen zu können lieber Alex
    und durch Deine Fotos bekomme auch ich ein Gefühl davon was es heißt dort zu sein
    herzliche Grüsse von Sina
  • adriana lissandrini 11/04/2015 23:16

    a story interesting and equally interesting temple ruins that many mysteries have lived ....
    saluti Alexander, è bello seguirti.....
  • Adele D. Oliver 11/04/2015 20:23

    so fascinating all these remains from your ancient civilizations and history ... so many islands full of different and wonderful stories of the past (just saw another installment of a woman's visit to Greece).
    Splendid here your image of the old columns and ancient landscape with the combination of your "story telling".
    weekend greetings,
  • Christos Banos 11/04/2015 19:06

    Very beautiful picture of such an important historical site with an excellent presentation!
    The informations that accompany your photos are always well written!
    You have very good pen ...
    Geia sou, Christos
  • Harold Thompson 11/04/2015 13:12

    Just a few remains of what was a fine building so sad it could not be saved
    ;-)) Harold
  • Sue Thompson 11/04/2015 12:27

    The myths, fables, mysteries abut the ancient Greek Gods has alays fascinated me, and yet I know little about them.....
    Another uperb shot and very interesting information.



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