3.413 7


Premium (World), Newcastle upon Tyne

Commenti 7

  • archiek 13/08/2018 6:52

    Lots of activity on the beach on such a beautiful day.
    Regards, Archie
    • markkeville 13/08/2018 8:07

      I'll tell you something. I am a somewhat shy photographer - so if I take pictures of people - they tend to be either in the distance - or it's a picture of their back. In this last case - I like to console myself by thinking the result is like some pictures of the great henri cartier-bresson - notably - his Picnic on the banks of the marne. If you know that picture - you will see what i mean. Mark
  • Carlo.Pollaci 12/08/2018 12:09

    Excellent and interesting reportage.
    Dogs on the beach are not allowed, unfortunately.
    Best regards
    • markkeville 12/08/2018 12:32

      Dogs are allowed, I think,  on most parts of the beach. You can see them on the other pictures of Whitley bay. mark.
    • markkeville 12/08/2018 12:37

      I have looked further into this. The ban on dogs applies in the summer and is applied to that busier, southern, part of whitley bay beach - but dogs are still allowed in summer as well as winter - on the northern part of the beach - closer to the lighthouse. I have learnt something. mark.
    • Carlo.Pollaci 12/08/2018 13:02

      Very well!
    • Carlo.Pollaci 12/08/2018 14:22

      Thanks for the explanation. In Italy, for dogs, the situation is worse.


Cartelle Northumberland coast
Visto da 3.413


Fotocamera Canon EOS 70D
Obiettivo EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM
Diaframma 13
Tempo di esposizione 1/200
Distanza focale 20.0 mm
ISO 100

Hanno messo mi piace