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alexander stefanatos

Premium (Pro), thessaloniki

Yesteryear scenes

West Macedonia
Lake Prespes at the borders with Albania and Fyrom
Psarades village

Lake Prespes is one of the remotest and poorest regions of Greece and it is not the first time that I refer to it. The locals are very poor farmers and fishermen that struggle everyday to make some profit cultivating unfriendly land or fishing in the two lakes. But the region is of extreme beauty and one of the villages, Psarades, is the most picturesque just on the border lake. A short stroll in the village will turn you immediately familiar to its extreme poverty with many houses in the verge of collapse and with the locals being busy with works that send you many years back in times that we the others living in cities, consider vanished since long ago... Lately turism and improved roads gave a spark of life to the area and also the fact that it is included in the european ecological net Natura 2000 as it is considered among the most proliferative bird habitats in Europe.

In the photo the village Psarades on the border lake.

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