young life...
Christusdorn (Euphorbia milii) idea about its English name:-( (found a few diverging ones: spurge, christplant, ...does anybody know the correct English name?)
Comment: English name='Crown of Thorns' (thank you, Thomas)
Alexandra Baltog 28/02/2007 11:55
excellent composition...Cheers,
Cees Kuijs 28/02/2007 9:59
Good point of view and angle. Fine, natural colors.Greetings, Cees
Tom McAlexander 28/02/2007 0:11
Christplant works. Probably more commonly Crown of Thorns. I like the green in this one.Aloha
Karl H 27/02/2007 23:52
Ja, gefällt mir gut!lg Karl
Hardee 27/02/2007 23:13
sehr spannende makroaufnahme, von einer pflanze die ich noch niemals gesehen habe.. sehr schön :-)lieber gruss hardy
Paraschiv Vasile 27/02/2007 21:45
Nice work. Well done.BRYAN CRUTE 27/02/2007 21:40
Great macro, excellent detailand dof.Regards