
Free Account, Limassol

Su di me

Hallo, ich bin grund nutzer von eine kompakt Nikon, reisen im Zypern im sommer 2009 zu upload hier photos. Ich auch lerne bissl Deutsch :)

Commenti 9

  • Francesco Margarita 07/12/2007 17:41

    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo
    Francesco Margarita

    Marry Christmas and a good New Year 2008 ********
    Buon Natale & Felice Anno Nuovo 2008
  • Sissi Blume 26/07/2007 16:51

    Thank you ,for your nice comment.
    Greetings from Austria
  • Kinga Duchnowska 17/05/2006 11:48

    Thank you for your kind comment :)
    power of colour
    power of colour
    Kinga Duchnowska

    best regards!
  • Tony AKa fototaker 07/03/2006 0:27

    aaaaaaw - your blog link: the words are all in greek!! :-( lovely characeters though!! LoL
  • Tony AKa fototaker 27/02/2006 20:37

    hiya and thanks for your kind comment about my painting pix. yes, parts of southern España seem like Greece with the white walls & homes.

    i had a B&W lab also (closed it 3 years ago) and it's magical but exciting. once you process the film WELL, each future experience will be better. i think the hardest part of developing your own film is the processing; buy some stainless steel reels to process your film. it's durable, easier to load your film and the results will be better.
  • When 27/02/2006 13:17

    Hello Anula. Welcome from Seattle. Hope you enjoy FC.
  • Dirk Hofmann 27/02/2006 12:06

    Hi Anula!

    I also want to say "Welcome to!"

    This is a place to look at, think about and discuss photos and I'm quite sure that you'll find a bunch of nice people around here which share your hobby!

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or any other team member [[fc-info:The team]]!

    Another way to gather some information would be our online-help where you can learn about the different features of fotocommunity.
    To get there click here:

    Hope you'll have the fun I have since I became a member!

  • Artur Kessel 26/02/2006 18:48

    willkommen in der fc
    viel spaß und immer gut licht
    danke für die anmerkung
    zu meinem bild

    lg artur
  • Matthias Moritz 26/02/2006 17:33

    Hello Anula!

    a warm welcome to! Its great to have you here from Cyprus!
    I wish you a lot of fun and chances to improve your skills in photography while participating in uploading and discussing images. I would like to encourage you to comment pictures from other photographers. You will see, you will get feedbacks on your own work.

    Any questions about Don´t hesitate to ask.

    Kind Regards

    Channel Manager
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