cassy l

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Su di me

g'day, and welcome to my currently very boring profile. All my photos are amateur shots (prob very obvious). They are also unedited, simply because i don't have the proper software (nor can i afford it). All of the shots except the shot taken of the bridge in venice were unplanned and it wasn't until i developed them and had people comment on them that i thought too much of them.

The photo showing a part of venice was taken from the very top of a building and i took it to show others the view back at home. The other shot taken in venice took about 15 mins before i got a decent shot. Everytime i tried to take the photo, some one would walk accross the bridge, by the time they were out of the way another personhad walked accross. Venice is a beautiful place and i'm fortunate to have travelled there twice (and i'm sure i will be back there again in the future).People who say its too 'touristy' have never simply gone for a walk with no place in mind. Getting lost allows you to see the true city of venice.

While i don't have many photos enjoy looking at them, and please comment :o)

Cassy xoxo

Commenti 1

  • † erlitzsche 14/11/2009 17:48

    Hallo casscass,

    ein herzliches Willkommen in der fc und viel Spass in der wunderschönen Welt
    der Fotografie.

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