Eduardo Dias

Free Account, Angra do Heroísmo / Azores

Su di me

It all started when I get borrowed my father’s camera, a Perkeo I 1952 (still with me, still working), with 6 cm negative. This allow me to start my first lab with fourteen years old, the only way to made my photographs on Azores, at that time, with acceptable prices (the 6 cm could make direct impress to paper on B/W).
I get my first Nikon with 17 years old and photographing became a gate between worlds. My main interest is life, the mystery of life on Earth. So important to me that I became researcher and teacher at University, still learning what it is all about, always impressed with the complexity and sensibility. I was fascinated with the delicate forms that life can take, the worlds inner the world, the different dimensions…
Photography helped me to communicate with those worlds, like a magic bridge, stopping the time, keeping a moment, a reflex of light. Like a collector, collecting moments and sensations of the living worlds. That’s why I need time to take a picture, to feel the environment, and let the scene show me the right angle and light.
My first pictures were quite descriptive, like a reporter of life. But something’s was missing in most of them. It was just a point of view, not a story. With time, it comes clear that the importance is the light of a moment. We can describe a scene in a picture, but only the certain light can give the essence of it, a look of a life.
Digital had open new dimensions and let me go deeper. It allows me to take lots of pictures of the same theme in different angles, in different times. Is like Cubism on Biology. A gate to see that life is just a moment: light in time, an unbalance cycling of the energy of a star, defeating the Physics of the Universe. Like a photo, life is just light and, at the end, “it’s all stars”.
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Ricevuti / Dati
