jean christian

Free Account, Strasbourg

Commenti 11

  • MiBo° 12/10/2010 14:08

    rock´n roll finest art !
  • I Strawfish I 24/12/2009 18:05

    Joyeux Noël!
  • Bea 1978 21/09/2009 20:49

    hello jean,

    i love your photos.
    bea :-)
  • J e n n i f e r E. 10/09/2009 22:43


    I looked to your whole gallery and I think you have a good portfolio! I can't write a comment to every picture that I like but I liked many!!! Especially your black and white!


  • Michael Pascal Malaihollo MIKO 09/10/2008 8:06

    Thanks for send me a message Jean...and thanks too for your compliment about my photoworks... You have great photoworks too...hope we can share about our photoworks in the future at this site...

    Greetings from Indonesia..
  • Sarah D. Kiefer 22/09/2008 18:17

    you create some amazing images! i'm happy to have found your collection here on fc.
    sarah k
    Sarah D. Kiefer

  • lei 05/09/2008 14:30

    Hello Jean,

    I ve post a comment on one of your photo, but could not find where it was going :)...i like your photos and also the way how you edit, they look simple but very nice...
  • Martial01 01/07/2008 16:34

    Hello Christian,
    I like your pictures, they are really good, you can express your emotion in a very good way. :)
    Kind regards. M.
  • JVision 10/08/2007 16:56

    Welcome the the

    The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences.
    So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further
    questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.

    Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:

    Kind regards
    (subjects channelmanager)
  • olga kalaschnikov 10/08/2007 11:27

    no problem!!! i like your style very much...the black white series are really good...and to the picture "the day after" i ve written, that i like the picture and i have the same televisoncontroller..hahaha..greetings olga k.
  • olga kalaschnikov 10/08/2007 11:11

    hey madez, willkommen....sehr coolen style hast du! mag deine sw serie sehr gern...lg olga k.
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