Katarína Herdová

Free Account, Banská Bystrica

Su di me

Hi everybody,

my name is Katarína Herdová and I am 24 years old. I live in Slovakia, this is a little country in the middle Europe.

I started whith amatheur photo 4 years ago, as a hobby.
The world of photography fascinates me, it can be coloured or blac and white, happy or dreary, but always real.
I am intrested in abstraction, portraid and everything where are a human feelings, everything which gives the an oppotunity fantasy and everything with brilliant colors and interesing design.

"If i knew to how take a good picture, i would take it everytime like that."
Robert Doisneau the French photographer

Commenti 31

  • Fons van Swaal 31/12/2011 15:07

    Thanks a lot my friend for all the comments throughout this past year...
    Best wishes..
  • Fons van Swaal 12/12/2011 15:08

    Best regards and many thanks for all the comments throughout this year ...
  • Ludek Sagi Lukac 21/12/2008 12:55

    Sagi :-)
  • stirlicc 25/09/2008 7:47

    The components of a good photo:
    (to the quotation above :-)

    1/3 of good eyes and creative mind
    1/3 of a good photoset
    1/3 of fortune

    Maybe... :-)

    Thank you for comment to my photo

    With best regards, Stirlicc
  • weggi 24/09/2008 23:47

    dear katarina
    thank you very much for your nice comment to this:...here comes a lovely album!

    much greetings, weggi
  • Zebrahead 20/09/2008 20:51

    Thanks for your kind comments, I really appreciate it :)


  • Terje Nicolaysen 11/08/2008 14:09

    Hi Katarina !
    Thanks very much for your comments.
    You have great photos !!

  • Klaudia J 07/07/2008 12:32

    Dakujem ti Kati za koment.
  • danica apfelbaum 29/12/2007 14:49

    v novom roku nove stastie, katarina :)
    verim, ze sa tu budeme castejsie vidat, pridem opat pozriet si tvoje foto
  • Fons van Swaal 23/12/2007 18:58

  • Ludek Sagi Lukac 23/12/2007 0:20

    Sagi :-)
  • Fons van Swaal 17/05/2007 23:07

    Thanks , yes I liked the reflection also....
    These ducks are not common over here , I was very surprised to see one like this...;-))

    Best regards.........Fons
  • Fons van Swaal 17/05/2007 23:00

    I think they look very CUTE.....;-))
    Thank you very much...........!

  • Fons van Swaal 17/05/2007 22:51

    Thank you very much for all the comments.;-))
    Much appreciated.......!!
    Best regards......Fons
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