Le Biu

Free Account, Sofia

Su di me


Commenti 7

  • Nadejda Assenova 19/12/2005 13:33

    Zdravei Le Biu :-) !
    Thanks for the perfection you share with us!
    Congratulations for your original ideas, an eye
    for the beauty and for the sharpness of your camera !

    Pozdrav, Nadejda !
  • Dirk Hofmann 09/12/2005 20:40

    Hi Le!

    I also want to say "Welcome to Fotocommunity.com!”

    This is a place to look at, think about and discuss photos and I’m quite sure that you’ll find a bunch of nice people around here which share your hobby!
    Hope you'll have the fun I have since I became a member!

  • Roberto Alegre 14/10/2005 15:16

    Hi Le Biu
    just i say...good ideas...textures...composition...
    concepts...i like your style.
  • Danny W. Wilson 28/09/2005 7:03

    Welcome to FC!
    Crystal 3
    Crystal 3
    Danny W. Wilson
  • JVision 18/09/2005 20:58

    A warm welcome to the fotocommunity from me too.
    Your first fotos here are fantastic and I am looking forward to see more of your work.
    Kind regards
  • Le Biu 18/09/2005 17:27

    Thank you for that warm welcoming!
  • When 18/09/2005 17:23

    Welcome to FC Le Biu. Exquisite, sophisticated is what I have to say about your first uploads. Hope you find what your looking for here and join in on the community.
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